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Pupil accounts

If your school has MIS integration enabled it means that your DB Primary accounts sync directly from your MIS.
Any changes made in your MIS will then be reflected on DB Primary the next day.

At the end of the year you will mark your year 6s (or year 2s if you are an infant school) as leavers in your MIS. Their leave date will arrive (e.g. July 22nd) and then in the early hours of July 22nd DB Primary will sync with your MIS and mark all those accounts as leavers. 

The rest of the children will all move into their new class groups the day after this happens in your MIS and new children will be created on DB Primary the day after their start date in your MIS.

Communities - starting fresh

If you wish to start fresh communities for the next academic year then please archive your old communities by logging in with the superadmin user and then following these steps:

1) Enter the admin area
2) Click the 'Communities' tab
3) Tick the box next to any communities you wish to archive 
4) Click the 'Archive' button
5) Tick the 'Remove members' box 
6) Click the 'Archive Communities' button

You can then let us know via an email to support@neweraed.co.uk that you would like to have new communities created based on the new class groups.

Communities - creating a copy

If the teachers have done a lot of work on the community pages and they wish to keep them, you can do this by logging in with the superadmin user and then following these steps: 

1) Enter the admin area
2) Click the 'Communities' tab
3) Tick the box next to any communities you wish to archive 
4) Click the 'Archive' button
5) Tick the 'Remove members' box 
6) Tick the 'Rollover' box
7) Click the 'Archive Communities' button

This will archive the old copy of community and create a new copy ready for the new members.

You can then go into the new copy of the community and remove any forum topics and blog posts from the previous class (click the cog icon in the top right of the blog or forum page to then be able to delete entries).

Communities - passing them up to the next class teacher

If the children have done a lot of work on their community page and the teacher wishes to pass the community page up to the class' next teacher then once the rollover has happened in your MIS you can then go onto the community page, click the cog icon in the top right corner and then use the 'Manage membership' button to add in the correct children plus their new teacher as a leader of the community.

To rename the community click the cog icon and in the top left you will see a pencil icon next to the community name. If you click this then you can rename the community.

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