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DB Primary & SchoolPing 8.12 Release


DB Primary – Multiple file uploads to tasks

When a pupil is assigned an ‘Upload a file’ type task they will now be able to select multiple files to upload to the task. Once the pupil is happy with the files they have chosen to upload they will click the ‘Submit’ button. They can also choose to remove any of the already uploaded files by clicking on the red x in the top right-hand corner of the file.

Multiple uploads

Once they have clicked ‘Submit’ they will be presented with a message asking them if they are sure they have added all the files they need to the task. If the pupil clicks ‘Yes’ then the task will be submitted. If they click ‘No’ then they will be taken back to the task so they can add more files.

Finished uploads

DB Primary – ‘Things to do’ list view

For pupils on the Improver, Starter and Starter+ themes, their ‘Things to do’ will now display in a list view. The tasks will appear in order of when they are due, with the earliest due first.

For each task it will display:

  •  Task icon
  •  Name of task
  • When the task is due
list view

DB Primary – Task admin improvements

Display pupils’ names in alphabetical order

When a teacher expands a task in the Tasks Management area of a community, the list of pupils the task has been assigned to will appear in alphabetical order (by pupil surname).

alphabetical order

Sort task assignees by name or status

The list of pupils a task has been assigned to can now be sorted by name (in alphabetical order of surname) and status (in alphabetical order of status)- helping teachers to more easily see which pupils have finished the task.


DB Primary – Pupil uploads to tasks

When a pupil uploads work to a task it will no longer be checked against the blocked or flagged words lists for profanity (since the work is submitted directly to the teacher, and isn’t seen by other children, this is not considered a risk). This will mean that scanned handwriting or worksheets with cursive fonts (which are sometimes not read correctly by the PDF reader) will not cause uploads to be blocked.

SchoolPing – Lock messages whilst being edited

When a sent or pending message is being edited, it will become locked until the editing is finished. During this time, other users will not see the option to edit that message as it will be greyed out. This has been added to prevent multiple staff members from editing the same message at the same time.

There is an option on the cog next to that message to unlock it (if, for example, the user who started editing the message is off sick).

lock editing message

If the user clicks the option to ‘Unlock to edit’ they will be presented with a message telling them who is currently editing that message and asking whether they are sure they want to unlock the message to edit themselves.

unlock message

Your feedback and suggestions continue to drive our enhancements and improve our services – Thank you and please keep them coming!

For more information about the upcoming release, please contact the New Era support desk by phone 03334 559434 or email at educationsupport@neweratech.co.uk.  

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