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Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Mr Forde is the school SENDCo and is responsible for the day to day administraion of all aspects of SEND. 

As the Headteacher, he is also a member of the senior leadership team. Mr Forde has been a SENDCO for 10 years.  He holds the Post Graduate SEN certificate.

Mr Forde can be contacted via email on RForde@stbenedicts.warrington.sch.uk if you have any enquiries relating to SEND.

SEND drop in time slots:

Mr Forde holds a drop in session on a Thursday, after school, to discuss any matters/concerns of SEND that a parent or carer may have. As always, please discuss issues with your child's class teacher first. If you would still like further advice or support, then please call school or email Mr Forde and arrange a time for a further discussion or advice.


School phone number : 01925 234699


Warrington Borough Council - Local Offer

The Local Offer summarises the services available for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities in Warrington.

Click below to be redirected to the WBC Local Offer for SEND

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